Customer Success Story Graphics Noise Monitoring-01

Wireless Ethernet Hub Needs Light Pipes with No Cross Talk

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One of our clients installs wireless ethernet hubs for apartment buildings. These hubs communicate with door locks and thermal management, providing internet access to residents. Each hub has several indicator lights, ideally of different colors, to show that the hub is appropriately connected or not.

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This particular client was redesigning their wireless ethernet hubs. Since multiple signals needed to be communicated by the hub, they needed light pipes offered in different colors. The redesign increased the length of the outer hub casing, resulting in the need for printed circuit board (PCB) to be integrated into a panel on the external case. They were looking for a small quantity of light pipes, with the option of scaling up later on. The solution also needed to minimize light bleed and adhere to the external casing with solder.

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Bivar’s LPV Series was the right solution for this client. These ZeroLightBleed™ products are available in several different lengths, allowing our client to choose the right size for their redesigned LED case (1.75” long). The LPV Series, which has built-in LEDs and light pipes pre-assembled, was seamlessly integrated into the newly designed ethernet hub, eliminating the need to purchase and assemble separate components. Our technical support team worked alongside this client, helping them with support on how to solder the parts together, install the system, and scale-up for production quantities.

The LPV Series solution allowed this client to use three light pipes for each module with minimal installation and bring their new design to fruition.

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